Digital calculator will calculate best 4 in DU Admission 2020.

As per the changes in DU, colleges will not have to calculate the Best of 4 based on the 12th score of the students applying for admission this time. This calculation will perform a digital calculator of DU.
Principal of PGDAV College (evening), Dr. RK Gupta said that for the first time DU is going to use digital calculator to calculate Best of Four. This will save time while there will be accuracy in calculation.
DU online admission, students considered giving more and more time.
55 hours for admission from a cut off in DU.
In view of the conditions arising out of Corona, the admission process of Delhi University (DU) has undergone extensive changes this time.
Under these changes, the admission process has to be done online, in addition to the discussions about the complication of the admission process, the DU administration is busy simplifying and simplifying the admission process.
55 Hours will given to students for getting admission in first cut off
the admission portal will open at 10 am on October 12, which will be closed on October 14 at 5 pm.
Eligible students will be able to apply for admission in the cutoff at any time during this period. Which colleges will be able to accept at their convenience. In this case, students will be able to enroll easily without running away.